And my local Baskin Robbins changed the time listed on their .31 Scoop advertisement in their store from 5pm - 10pm (what it was supposed to be) to 5pm - 9pm. Grrrrrrrrr - pretty sneaky. So we go eat at McD and Jacob had ice cream there for $1.06. For a buck, McDonalds has tasty icecream. For the heck of it, I swing back by BR to check (it was around 7:45) and the line was out the door! What the heck????
I started thinking, no way am I going to wait in that long line and actually have to pay. I think back to this past St. Patty's Day when I was in NY with Jacob and Stewarts had FREE ice cream and there was NO line! And here Baskin Robbins wants me to wait in that awfully long line and pay for it? I don't think so. I've had more free ice cream in my life than the average person so I am not waiting in a Baskin Robbins line with a squirmy 8 year old. My brother worked for many years as an accountant at an ice cream factory in NY and every week he got to take home free ice cream, as a benefit. I remember counting something like 16 half gallons of ice cream one time in my parent's very large extra freezer.
Now don't misunderstand - I didn't say I would never eat BR ice cream again, I'm just saying that I'm not waiting in some long line. I'll take Jacob with one of the Buy 1 Get 1 free coupons that I have. We do have an awfully nice Baskin Robbins in town - it even has a view - of the dump (trash transfer station). Here is a pic I took earlier this year when my husband and I got Buy 1 Get 1 Free sundaes and we sat outside enjoying the ice cream while watching people throw away their garbage. And to think people complain that there's nothing to do in our small town.

We were going to go to BR for that night, too. My husband went by on his way home around 7 and he said the line was about 50 ppl wrapped around the building!
Too crazy for 31 cent ice cream, I didn't realize they advertised it so much!
My son was disappointed, but fell asleep early anyways.
I sent the email around to everyone I know and then I fell asleep on the couch and wokr up at 11pm, I missed it!!! thank goodness we have a BR's all over the place!!
I know Stewarts gives away Ice Cream on pretty much every holiday.
On Easter if you enter their coloring contest, 4th of July if you are wearing Red, White & Blue, Halloween if you come in costume, and Christmas day just because.
Hi Chris,
I'm contacting you on behalf of Baskin-Robbins and wanted to thank you for attempting to enjoy 31 Cent Scoop Night last week. We apologize that you did not have the experience you were looking for. It was not our intention. Please let us know if there is anything we can do and we appreciate your feedback.
Danielle Sullivan
On behalf of Baskin-Robbins
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