(No, his Long Trip Alone tractor trailer but doesn't have www.yardsalequeen.com written underneath, but I think it would be a good idea)

Before the concert - notice the cottage style lighthouse behind the stage. It was a gorgeous day for an outdoor concert.

You know you can click on the pics to see them enlarged. Yes, I know the top of his head is a little cut off in some of the pics. Ummmm....... I did that on purpose for artistic photographic purposes. Yes that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I noticed at the concert there was some little girls who brought small handwritten posters (about 8"x11" size) that said "Dierks bring out the dogs" (One of his dogs frequently appears in his music videos). So anyway after the show I was hanging around waiting for traffic to die down and saw that he and his entourage were relaxing near the lighthouse and Jake (his white dog) was roaming around the area. I wish that parent had kept their kid around to see that.