I did my volunteer bartending at the Bill Engvall show last night. And was lucky enough to get my picture taken with a celebrity. Or should I say a celebrity was lucky enough to have their picture taken with me. Here's me and Pinch, the Blue Crabs mascot. I'm the one on the left.

The weather was ridiculously humid last night. When I got there early to eat my free dinner (yea! the shrimp wraps are back - they were missing from the Josh Turner show), there was a breeze and it didn't seem like it would be that bad. I was mistaken. While working, I met a nice couple that had meet and greet tickets. I hooked them up with some 8 x 10's to get autographed. So to thank me, the wife got one autographed for me. She said she told him Chris with a Ch. Oh well. I am irritated with myself anyway since instead of getting one for me, I should have told them to get one for plain ole "Mary" - my mom's name. My mom likes Bill Engvall and I could have had my Christmas shopping for my mom done already (because I'm generous that way). Live and learn.
And with yesterday being Saturday, I hit the yardsales in the morning. I came across this lawnmower spray painted baby blue. Who has a blue lawnmower? It was marked $50. I've seen the seller before, he is a reseller. My guess is that he bought a junky $5 lawnmower at a yardsale and spray painted it thinking it would fool someone into thinking it was new. Even the handle was spray painted silver.

The yardsale where I saw the lawnmower at was set up on the side of the highway where people drive by at 55+ mph.

I did buy a few things - some .25 inkjet cartridges for recycling at Staples. Speaking of Staples, I have some bad news to share. Starting July, instead of receiving a $3 credit per cartridge, you will only get $2. So if you've been meaning to recycle some cartridges (limit 10), you better do it before the end of June (to get the most bang for your buck).