The above pic is the stuff I bought yesterday. Sweat pants for Jacob $1.50, Tiffany tray $2, bag of thread on wooden spools $1, baggy of 4 matchboxes .25, Starbucks mug .50, Wits End sign .50
When I was around 12 or 13 I started collecting matchbooks. That was back in the good ole days when restaurants and weddings used to give out matchbooks. Weddings?? If you don't remember that - a lot of wedding couples would have personalized matchbooks. Some matchbooks had a line where the bride would write on them for the guests to use as a place card. (It was mostly the high class weddings had personalized matchbooks, and the super high class weddings not only had personalized matchbooks, but a polka band as the entertainment. I will have to show you my wedding matches someday. Jersey Polka Richie rocks!)
So needless to say, I have tons of matchbooks. New advertising type matchbooks are pretty hard to come by since businesses just don't do that anymore. So even tho I don't necessarily collect matchBOXES, I bought them since they were only .25 for 4 (and a couple were advertising ones)
My collection is just stored in various (and numerous) shoe boxes. Back in 1990 when my DH started work at the nuke plant, the company paid professional movers to pack us up in Charleston SC to move to Maryland. When the movers were packing up my kitchen junk drawer, they got my attention told me I had to remove the 2 or 3 matchbooks I had kept in the kitchen to use to light candles etc, since they couldn't move them.
I remember thinking "I hope they don't start looking in those shoeboxes!". And they didn't. Oye. Thankfully, nothing bad happened.

And on Wednesday I found a bunch of vintage postcards at one of my other thrifts. They were .25 each - including the booklets of postcards. Some of the postcards include Marineland, University of West Virginia, St. Augustine Florida, Story Book Land in PA