Today was Whiskey's appt with the low-cost pet clinic. I had made the appointment a few weeks ago (they have a pretty long waiting list since they are only open 2 days a week). So I didn't tell this vet that Whiskey had recently visited a regular vet 2 weeks ago. I wanted to see what this vet said in comparison.
Good news - he got another clean bill of health - except that he is old and is a little unsteady on his feet (primarily back legs). She thought it was arthritis and recommended glucosomine chondroitin. The pill they recommended only came in a mega-sized bottle. But she said I could find it online elsewhere and perhaps in a liquid form. (Rather than a chewable pill, which Whiskey may or may not want to eat).
Whiskey was Mr. Personality in the waiting room, wanting to sniff everyone's butt. He even growled at some big dogs. Fourteen pound Whiskey thinks he is a big dog too.
Anyhow, some cat came in to get it's nails clipped and they did it on the spot at the receptionist desk. And since Whiskey and I were walking around the waiting room, we couldn't help but see and hear it. I had to take a pic - it made me LOL.

Here is a closer pic - sorry for the blurriness.

Anyhow, long story short: the pet clinic is conveniently located near Vintage Value so I had to pop in. I bought the above two jackets for $1.50 each (they were marked $3.00 each, but they had a special today - half off marked items). They used to not mark prices on things, but now they do. One is a Gap jacket for Jacob (kid size 10/12 but it looks huge). And the George (Walmart brand) brown jacket for me. Even tho it is Walmart brand, I like it.
Then yesterday I was at CVS and paid $2.89 for all this PLUS got $2.99 back in Extra Care Bucks.

The big tote bag thing (Essence of Beauty brand) was on clearance for $4.99 (had a $1 coupon off any Essence of Beauty product), so it was $3.99 and came with the neck pillow, small case & lotions. The Glade was on sale for $5.99 but I had a $4 coupon and the Paas egg thing was $1.99 but I got $1.99 back in Extra Care bucks. And I had used some Extra Care Bucks from last week to pay, so that is why I only paid $2.90 out of pocket for it all. (And like I said, I earned $2.99 in Extra Care Bucks for the next time I shop at CVS).