Ok, I know you all have been patiently waiting to hear the results of my junk for sale at the live auction house (no I didn't go to it, but maybe I should start since stuff sells so cheaply there -haha! I used to go all the time pre-Jacob, the auctioneer was very entertaining back then. But now the auctioneer they have is more serious.
After the commission was taken out, I ended up with a check for $75.XX. My awesome vintage telephone gossip bench/junk magnet that I couldn't stand having in the house any longer sold for a whopping $5 (paid $1 at a yardsale). The highest thing sold for $35 and that was that little dark wood vanity (originally I paid $5 for it at a yardsale).
Today after hitting a few yardsales and an estate sale, I met up with the local collector guy who buys local vintage memorabilia. I had various things I had been collecting for a while (stuff bought at my thrift and at yardsales), including the vintage
postcards I had from the area. But guess what? He didn't want the postcards I had, since he already had identical ones. But he did pay me $80 for all the other stuff I had that he wanted. Heck, that's more than I got from the stuff I took to the auction house.
Here's one thing I bought today that reminded me of my mother - for many reasons. It will be a Christmas gift, cuz I'm generous that way:

She and I are both Taurus's (our birthdays are just one day apart).
And at a yardsale, I bought this pair of things. Sorry for the bad lighting (morning sun at weird angle). Make of 2 x 4's, carpeting and big empty coffee cans. I paid $1. I know what it is (since they told me) do you?

I dropped off another box of books to the used bookstore (my 4th box). My first 3 boxes got me a $120 credit! I did "buy" two books with my credit, one of which is
Thrift Score by Al Hoff. It's an older book but looks interesting.
And I stopped at a thrift (didn't buy a thing) and saw this:

I don't remember ever seeing a mannequin in a reclining position. But very true to life, since there was a remote in his hand