Here's some of the stuff all set up at the auction:
Little vanity, bench, and metal chair. One of the workers saw me take a picture of the little vanity and said that he planned on bidding on it. I loved that little metal chair (very sturdy) but don't have room or a need for it.

Jacob's little desk (with chair) that I painted green and blogged about back in 2006

They put all of the "small" stuff that I brought in right on the front table in front of the auctioneer. I hope that's a good sign.

Brand new chocolate fondue fountain that I bought at a yardsale for $5. What was I thinking? I don't plan on having an event where I need a chocolate fountain. And I don't want to even think about what a PITA it would be to clean it. Old metal oil can and watering can (one I bought at a yardsale and one belonged to my father). Hopefully someone who is into those kind of vintage pieces were at the auction. Tray of old radios and tray of old cameras. Bunch of vintage decorative empty liquor bottles that I bought a long time ago (pre-Jacob I think) at a yardsale. I remember paying $20 for all the liquor bottles but it also included a bunch of other stuff in that lot. The TV was not mine.

3 barstools that I got free at a yardsale. When we had the addition put on the house back in 1993, we had planned on having a bar built (even paid to have water pipes installed in the crawl space so we could have a sink for a bar - since of course we would be doing all kinds of entertaining). Well then the whole internet came along and the corner meant for the bar became my computer area. So I don't need these old freebie barstools anytime soon. Plus now, I'd rather go out and buy some cute ones, rather than clunky old wooden ones if we were to have a bar.

Yesterday there weren't many yardsales nearby so instead I went to the flea market that I occasionally sold at. What do I see? Some of my junk that had just sold the previous night at the auction. (I didn't go to the auction so that's why I have to wait til Friday to see what stuff sold for). Here are some of the liquor bottles:

Good Job on the de junkin. I did alot dejunkin to move. I can't wait to get into my new house. I will proably find lots more stuff I need to get rid of that is stored.
The above photo of the girl in the pink dress and the boy in blue. Who are they? I have some statues from my mother and they look similar.
anony - I have no idea. It was just the liquor bottles that the seller had that had been mine. The other stuff the seller already had.
#Anon--Those statues are based on the famous paintings by Thomas Gainsborough(Blue Boy)and Thomas Lawrence(Pinkie).
Very popular images that have been recreated in many media over the years.
The only way they would be 'valuable' is if they were produced by one of the defunct art pottery companies like Roseville, Red Wing, Rookwood, Weller, etc.
I used to have a ceramic business and there was a set of molds put out of these figures many years ago for hobbyists to paint their own. These 2 in the photo look very much like the pieces from these molds so they are probably someone's personal artistic efforts. The flatness of the painting technique also leads me to believe a novice not a professional person painted these.
Hope this helps...
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