Yes, that is a Boston Red Sox Bride and NY Jets Wedding Cake Topper.

My food- shrimp and crab (and rum and coke)

On the polo grounds getting formal wedding pics done:

The day after the wedding, my cousins, sister and I visited The Yaddo Gardens

The Yaddo Mansion and my cousins who like to live life on the edge.

Swampy pond - with duck on log.

And last weekend was the wedding of my buddy Sharon. She was my first friend that I made when we moved here to Maryland.

Beautiful location on the beach

Maryland crab cake dinner. I swear the crab cakes were the size of tennis balls. I felt a little funny asking for a to-go box, but I did! They were huge.

All looks great.......especially those crab cakes ! :)
signed ........W2ndM :)
Hey, W2ndM - and they were yummy. The wedding was at Stoneys in Broomes Island. Jeff had the chicken - cuz if it swims or lives in water, he won't eat it.
Those weddings looks so fun!
And I used to work weddings as a server. It's so not weird to ask for a to go box because you wouldn't believe what gets thrown away.
This is the good blog with good images and good details. Please keep on posting the more stuff. I will like to hear more from you.
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