This is at the National Harbor - a sculpture called The Awakening. It was within walking distance of our hotel.

$5 Cigar boxes for sale at the DC flea market. I recently found a source where I can get free cigar boxes - so I plan on ebaying some cigar boxes in the near future. I bought nothing at the flea market.

Hanging out at the Corcoran Gallery of Art. We were walking passed it and I needed some A/C, so we stopped in a for a look-see. After I got home, I went to the Corcoran website where I see that admission is normally $10 a person - and no photography inside the museum is allowed. Oopsie. But as luck would have it, they had free Saturdays in August. I took this pic because here at the YSQ Castle, I have a room very similar but a little bigger (they must have copied me).

This is the Eastern Market that I've heard about and wanted to check out. The outside had other vendors and crafty vendors in the back.

Inside the Eastern Market. They had lots of sellers who sold meat. I wasn't planning on buying any raw meat that day. I bought a diet-coke.

This flea market was kitty-korner to the Eastern Market building.

Inside the Gaylord National Hotel - it was beautiful. I will be adding a Youtube video of the water fountain show. Our hotel was across the street and a bit smaller (a Hampton Inn - what I really liked about it, was that it was so small - only about 10 rooms per floor, so you didn't have a lot of hallway noise from other guests). And they had a good, free breakfast. No free breakfast at the Gaylord.

At a metro station, waiting to change trains. This was really pretty in real life (the photo doesn't show the beautiful colors of the clouds/sky as the sun was setting). Some Masonic (I think??) temple.

Massive bird poop on the way to the Lincoln Memorial. Gross.

Some random people at the National Harbor. A wedding party was being photographed with the Awakening in the background. Sorta looked like the big hand was about the grab the couple.

Jacob and some of the hundreds of Red Hat Society ladies that were all over the Gaylord Hotel.

Some official government agency that I never knew existed. I'm guessing its a place that all thrift store managers of America go to get official thrift supervision training. I was gonna go in and give suggestions, but they were closed.

Southern Maryland tomatoes at the Eastern Market. I didn't go all the way to DC for Southern Maryland stuff. Plus, what am I gonna do with a real tomato? Eat it? I don't think so. I have absolutely no use for real tomatoes. I got all the tomato flavoring I want in my stash of ketchup. Which I think, is one of the best foods ever invented (since it goes with practically everything).

At the Lincoln Memorial. Jacob wasn't smiling since it was hot and there was a bajillion steps to climb to get there. Plus I think we had just walked about 10 miles further than we had to (due to someone - I won't say who - and his inability to ask a stranger for directions). It wasn't me! So that narrows it down.

In other news - I bought a dress today (I am going to 2 weddings this month) but the big news is that it had a TAG on it. You read that right - I shopped retail today.
I am glad you documented the fact that you shopped retail today!
And I know it was on sale and you used a coupon, am I right? I think of you everytime I use my $10 JCP coupon, as this blog is very educational. :)
My sister lives in DC. She's a lawyer. Looks like you had fun.
A Federal agency called the Office of Thrift Supervision? That is the funniest thing I've heard all day. Of course it was closed!!!!
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