Me in my sexy David Cassidy hat pic #1

Me in my sexy David Cassidy hat, view #2:

Due to popular demand, here I am modeling my sexy David Cassidy hat (which apparently belonged to his son Beau Cassidy) but I just know David must have worn it, it looks like his style - haha. I thought it said "Bean" and didn't even know what his kid's names were until I got home to Maryland and did a wiki search on David Cassidy. David, if you are reading this and you likey what you me. Being the yardsalequeen, I'm already accustomed to dealing with the paparazzi. And I will keep it on the lowdown. If my husband answers the phone, just say that you are a telemarketer. As a bonus, the hat will also come in handy the next time I want to rob a bank and/or convenience store.
I spoke with my sister last night and she mentioned she bought me something at the sale - a coat - I told her to wrap it up and give to me at Christmas. So....hardcore DC fans, don't forget to check back later to see what I got.
The night before the garage sale, my sister had dinner in Malta at a restaurant called the Ripe Tomato. I didn't go since I was having dinner with my friends that night. She heard some DC gossip from one of the waiters there and when I was at the garage sale, one of the employees working the sale told me the same gossip. I won't repeat it here, but if it's true the news will be out soon.
To the person Ann who commented on my blog about using one of of my pics - how about we do an exchange - you send me the pics you took during the sale so I could share them here with other DC fans? I'm sure they would love to see more pics. You can email me at
My sister told me last night that during the garage sale, she was told that the proceeds of the garage sale/moving sale was going to charity. I was not told that and nor was it mentioned in the craigslist ad. I think the organizer of the sale could have done a better job with advertising (it was not in the local newspapers - just craiglist) and they would have had better luck with signage if they had bought some Sassysigns and next time have some yardsale royalty run the sale!

You are soooo funny. I love your hat. I will send you the pictures I took at the sale. I did not hear the proceeds were going to Charity, but I did not ask. I know part of my proceeds will be going to Susan's Charity,
They are very generous, so my guess is it did go to Charity.
Keep up the Great Work!!!
Love the hat! That pic is cracking me up!
Very sexy hat! It looks like it would come in handy in the bitter wind.
Ha ha ... love the hat . I wonder how old Beau was when he last wore that .... he's 18 now and at Boston University.
You're such a tease about the rumour !!!!!
Thanks for posting again about the DC sale.
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