I get several newspapers. I don't normally read the obituaries (word for word), but I do skim thru them and look at the ages mostly. I saw this one the other day and thought I was reading my own (since of course I am such an inspiration too, yadda yadda). I do see obits pretty often that mention yardsales.
Years ago, when I first started this website, for some strange reason I thought it would be a good idea to send out email newsletters. I think I sent out 5 or 6 over the course of 3 years. (Too much work for no benefit - bounced back emails that I would have to clean up, people unsubscribing and subcribing - which I had to do manually etc). Anyhow in one of the newsletters someone submitted a poem about God's Garage Sale. I'll see if I can find it and post it.
Here's the stuff I bought on Saturday. Will see if my brother wants the cat waterer ($2). Some of the stuff will eventually make its way to eBay. Like the Wilton Armetale bread dish ($2) and the baggy full of Tonka Chuck & Friends trucks ($2). I don't know what I will do with the metal frog lifting weights statue (.50). I don't know why I bought it, I guess since I didn't already have a frog lifting weights statue. Bought the .38 Special CD ($1) since they are coming to town this summer and I may bartend at it so I figured it would be good to listen to beforehand. Bon Jovi CD was only .25 (each CD was
The Good Charlotte t-shirt ($1) is for me. They are locals (from the next county over...) so I had to get the shirt with their hometown name on it. My old neighbors (in the mid-90's) used to tell me all the time that they knew several of the Good Charlotte guys. They had no reason to lie to me (and the girl worked at a record store) so I think she was telling the truth.
I have been a good charlotte fan for alomst 7 years now, i hold them dearly in my heart <3 i've noticed a few times since ive been following your blog you've picked up good charlotte things =)
My son would die for that bag of cars!!
Anony - yes, yardsales is where I buy all my Good Charlotte merchandise :) Funny thing was at the yardsale on Saturday the seller also had the identical GC shirt I was wearing that day also for sale ($1). On the East Coast We Ride. Jacob also has the identical shirt in kid size (also bought at a ys). I just remembered that he has a field trip to the high school later this week, so I think I will have him wear that shirt to school that day (to impress the high-schoolers -haha)
Bloggers - your kid doesn't have to die - you can just bid gobs and gobs of money for it when I list it on ebay! Will try to get it listed this week. I counted and there are 20 cars in the bag (a few duplicates)
I might need that bag of cars as well...
The obituary is pretty rad, except for the fact that someone died. You know what I mean.
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