Anyhow, I was reading the ads today and spotted this ad. For some reason I think putting Egg Rolls in their ad seems funny. Sure they could have used other words such as Antiques, Household, Collectibles, Tools, Toys, Misc. but instead they went with egg rolls. Or maybe they plan on having like an Easter Egg Roll event as a fun activity for the kiddos while the grown-ups shopped. Unlikely. The sale is too far for me, but even so, if I'm going to eat an egg roll, I usually don't think of it as a breakfast item.
Here's a pic I snapped last Saturday when out yardsaling. I know it's not LOL funny but I found it amusing.

And lastly, here's the stuff I bought today at Smile:
$1 Deceptively Delicious book Jessica Seinfeld (ebay)
$1.50 Shalimar (ebay)
$1 Hagar the Horrible mug (ebay)
$1 candle in box (keep)
$1.50 trivet - A plump wife and a big barn never did any man harm (but be careful if she is holding a frying pan....I'm just saying)
$1.50 vintage-y looking DMC sign. I think some crafty person on ebay would like it.
I will thumb thru the Deceptively Delicious book since its all about hidden ways to sneak veggies into your kids meals. But I doubt it will help me at all (so it will be ebay bound). I can't get Jacob to eat NORMAL foods to begin with, so sneaking veggie puree in Beef Stew or scrambled eggs is not something I see myself doing. I would just be satisfied if he ate beef stew or scrambled eggs WITHOUT anything extra. We go thru a lot of popcorn in my house.
And see that little red 3" tall candle? I hesitated buying it, since it was so small and it was a whole dollar. I mean, in the past I've bought those ginormous Yankee Candles for $1 and now they want a $1 for this tiny little candle?? Anyhow I bought it since it was new in the box. The box had the company's website on it so this afternoon I looked it up, and the thing has a retail price of $34. $34!!! Who pays $34 for a tiny candle? Who knows, maybe burning this candle will fill my house with such a great scent that the only candles I buy from now on cost $34. I doubt it. It even has its own name italian blood orange petal topped candle

Hi Chris, the folks who sell egg roll at the yardsale do this a couple times a year and always mention it in their newspaper ad. I've been to this house a few times and they are cooking right in their garage as the sale is going on. The aroma there is wonderful although I've never purchased any of the food.
This has to be the first time I saw it (but I guess I've missed other ads since I normally don't read the Chuck County yardsale ads.
It must be a good selling point for them to put it in their ad. But I still think it sounds funny :)
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