The Wedding Song by Paul Stookey. I was getting my daily dose of Walgreens shopping in. I also heard it 20 (!!!!) years ago today in church, when I became a Mrs. Wow - 20 years - that was before I even started dreaming about building my glorious yardsalequeen empire.
I don't have any wedding pics handy to show you, but maybe this will do. Impress me with your geeky knowledge and leave a comment if you know where this picture came from: (my message board people should know this for sure!)

p.s. Haven't forgotten about posting the answer to my What Is This? post. will do it soon.
I remember the guy selling the wedding dress on eBay. He'd found it in the attic or somewhere, it was his ex-wife's and he was selling it. He kept adding to his description. Except that it turned out he'd either bought it for resale or just found it somewhere. By the time the truth was discovered, the bidding had gotten pretty high but I don't know if anyone actually bought it or not once it was discovered that he'd been fibbing.
yeah, ebay dude that wrote a huge backstory about it being his exwife's dress. It went for a couple of thousand dollars, from what I remember. so funny.
Is that Dennis Rodman? Love the song by PP & M. susanc
yep...ebay wedding dress dude.
happy anniversary! :)
Oh...I love that song! We had it sung at our wedding, but only 3 years ago. Happy Anniversary!!
He was on the Today show too. It remains the funniest ebay auction I ever saw. All he wanted was to get rid of that dress so he could buy stuff at home depot!
Isn't that the ebay wedding dress guy? His listing was very popular.
Happy Anniversary to you!!
that was the most hysterical ebay auction story I ever read!
This was the funniest ebay ad I ever saw. At the time I was going thru a divorce so I could relate. He made fun of his X amd it was a lot higher than a couple thousand. It came from something like jack@ss humor if I recall correctly. Again, very funny!
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