I have no idea what this is, but I bought it anyway. I figured it was for storing something (probably something I have too much of). Has a door hangy thingy on it, so I know it goes on a door. And it was .50 at VV, so how could I go wrong?
Anyone see one of these in a catalog or own one and know what it is? Or have a good guess?

It's a holder for an ironing board... the curved end goes down...
over the door hat holder?
I would use it as a men's tie holder! (But the first commenter is probably right about it being for an ironing board).
It does look like my mom's over the door ironing board, minus the ironing board part.
Yep, it's an ironing board holder/rack. One of those smaller tabletop ones, I think. But, what do I know, I haven't ironed anything in over 13 years. I know this because my son found the iron the other day and exclaimed, "Hey! I didn't know we had an iron!"
I think it is definitely a hat holder. It looks exactly like the one Keira linked to.
it is a hat holder, you slide hats in top, bill first and they pull out the bottom
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