Also bought a pair of Longaberger S & P shakers for $1 which should do well on ebay.
Well tomorrow is the Big & Rich concert - if I don't get free tickets, I think I'll survive and plus Big Brother is on tomorrow night! :) Maybe I'll just go to the museum tomorrow anyways and maybe accidently climb aboard the tour bus and chat with the roadies. I've never been to a concert at the Calvert Marine Museum but I know how it's done. They just stick a bunch of folding chairs on the flat parking lot and make people park across the street in a field. The stage is where the museum holds their annual yardsale. Since school started, Jacob hasn't been to the museum all week (he gets home late from school and the museum closes at 5pm). His current fascination at the museum is the lighthouse, earlier this summer it was watching the otters.
What the heck IS that thing?
I know what it only because I have one in my driveway. :)
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