Last night I was going through my coupons and going through the ones that came in today's newspaper (our newspaper carrier delivers Sunday's coupons and ads on Saturday). Then I realized that I wanted to go back to Shoppers Food Warehouse to take advantage of their last day of doing double and triple coupons.
So this morning I went back. They were out of a lot of things I had coupons for - but still managed to find a thing or 2 (well actually I bought 62 items; I know cuz the cash register tape said so).
My total before coupons 113.56 and after $33.58 for a savings of $79.92. Since my trip there on Friday, I saw that they adjusted their cash registers. For instance on Friday when I bought those small Starfish Tuna things ($1.66 each) - and I had $1 coupons, they doubled the coupon to $2. But today, with the adjusted cash registers, it just doubled it to the proper amount $1.66.
And I succumbed to my inner voice and bought the Eskimo treats ($1.33) that I definitely do not need. And I "splurged" and bought the heavy duty Scrubbing Bubbles ($2.29 - normally $4.29).
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