I was going to show you what my ear doctor dug out of my ear canal today (yes I saved it) but instead I'll show you my little frugal bathroom remodeling job. I mentioned it here on the blog back in January/February and never got around to showing before and after pics until now. I finished it a long time ago, but then before I could take pictures, it got messy again. I finally cleaned it up tonight (only because we're having guests soon) so I took some pics. Maybe I'll show you my ear debris picture tomorrow, if you're lucky. This is the bathroom that Jacob and I share. You think I want to share a bathroom with my husband?? Are you crazy???!!! That's the key to a successful marriage, not having to share bathrooms with your spouse.
Before Pics:
View of sink. Notice cheap builder's-grade faucet, stupid wall mounted toothbrush holder and soap dish.

Rust stained linoleum (long story - DH tried to fix the linoleum and put metal weights on it after he glued it down. Didn't work and just made it worse when the weights got wet - due to Jacob splashing in the tub). I told him I would fix it. Notice old bathmat and round towel holder that never got used.

Another view of sink (and clutter)

Close-up of the torn linoleum and caulking around the tub removed:

Closet door (I love those vintage Flicker Razors). Notice ugly doorknob and wear around doorknob.

Embryo-looking water stain on ceiling:

Grungy towel bar:

Ta-da! Here are the After pics. My inspiration for this bathroom makeover was a package of Spongebob self-adhesive border that I bought at Smile for about a dollar or two. I know I spent less than $100 for this makeover. And that was mainly due to replacing the sink faucet which was about $80.
New towel bar (similar to old one but clean and not grungy. Bought new at a yardsale)

No more round towel bar, now Spongebob border & big Spongebob wall decoration (the big Spongebob is a placemat bought at Walmart for about a buck). Talking Spongebob on toilet tank was something we already owned. Painted the woodwork dark blue (using free paint samples that I got from Ace Hardware when they had their Ladie's Night)

Another Spongebob Placement as a back-splash. "New" Martha Stewart toothbrush holder, bought at Smile for .50. New faucet - I wanted a tall faucet so it would work with my blue faucet light. At a yardsale I had bought some of those "As Seen on TV" corner shelfs, I found a spot near the medicine cabinet to add one and put some Spongebob figurines on (yardsale buys) along with a digital clock (a buy from Smile).

I cut a piece of linoleum from inside the bathroom closet and tried to match it as close as I could. I know the whole flooring should be replaced but this will do for a while. Bought a roll of peel and stick molding to hide the gap where the caulk was removed.

New bathroom rug (bought at JC Penneys when I had one of those $10 off $10 coupons). It hides the linoleum patchwork job I did.

Put border on the door to hide the wear around doorknob. New ceramic blue doorknob bought at Lowes on clearance for .50 (FYI, the little blue thing next to the Flicker Razors is an authentic packet of "There's Something about Mary" hair gel. If you've never seen "There's Something about Mary", then you're missing out on one of the best movies of all time.)

Painted the ceiling and got rid of the watermark. I still have lots of bathroom clutter. I bought the odd sink-to-ceiling shelfing unit at one of my thrift stores. It was supposed to be a floor to ceiling bathroom shelving unit but when I got it home I saw that some pieces were missing so I was able to at least turn it into a sink to ceiling storage.