I like a good old fashioned shopping challenge - you know when someone asks you to keep your eyes peeled for a specific hard to find item. But geez, my most recent shopping challenge was way too easy. During my weekly phonecall with mother, she told me she had been looking all over for two things - Carbona Oven Rack cleaner and a Libman mop with the felt mop head and couldn't find either. She told me if, by chance, if I was able to find them to get them and bring when I visit NY later this month.
All it took was a quick trip to my local grocery store to find both. I used $2 off coupons for the rack cleaners and the mop was on sale too. My grocery store has a deal this week that if you spend $25, you got a 5 lb package of Matzos for free. So the Matzos will be going to NY too - I will give to my niece as an Easter present since her boyfriend is a Kosher Vegan Vermonter.
The thing on the left hand side of the cart is the hand held grocery scanner - if you are not self-scanning your own groceries you are living in the stone age!

Wait... self-scanning your groceries? What?? Tell me more, please...
Well then call me a caveman...
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