And as a First Prize winner, here's what I won. A t-shirt. Then I saw an envelope and it felt like there was a gift card inside. Nope, I also won a 5 free song download. "Congrautlations" to me. It was the grand prize winner that got to go to Nashville.
I go to the doctors later this week for a checkup so I've been walking on our dining room treadmill. Everyone has a treadmill in their dining room, right? I despise running, so I only use it for walking. I've been doing more walking than usual (my normal walking routine is from the parking lot to the store and from the store to the car) so my doctor better be nice to me. 95 minutes spent walking today with NO buying of anything! That has to be some sort of personal best.

Congrats! I love lady A. really had me fooled for a minute; thought you hit the big time prize. Drat! Susan C.
Congrats on the win, that's awesome!
You got me beat, I only ride my (indoor) bike for 30 minutes a day.
The Queen is going to be in tip-top shape for the upcoming yard sale season! Make sure you also train your biceps so you can effectively push other shoppers out of the way as you search for the best deals! ;)
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