I forgot to post a pic of what I bought last Saturday. It was a good day. Lots of church yardsales and even a school yardsale which was unadvertised. I cannot figure out why an organization would hold a yardsale and not even advertise it in the garage sale section of craiglist for free.
Stuff in the picture above range in price from free (the seller knew me and just told me to take stuff) to $2 for the Made in Poland crystal vase which I bought 2 weeks ago but forgot to photograph. Got a good deal on the new Johnson and Johnson baby wash stuff for .25 a bottle. And I got a vintage Disneyland ashtray for free (but it's not in the picture).
In the photo below the shopping bag and the two plastic bins were .50 each. Birdfeeder ($5) was the most expensive purchase of the day (looks better in real life - it's actually upside down in the photo)

And during the week I stopped at a new thrift store that opened up recently. I doubt it will stay in business (I think it's a "for profit" thrift store, rather than one run by an organization. I would have bought a pair of these nightstands if there were 2 of them but alas, there was only one. I just love the look of it (but would have painted it. That is glare on the top).

And of course, I hit Walgreens for some bargains. I'm always going to Walgreens to get stuff free (after Register Rewards) but for the first time I saw free free stuff. Just calendar posters but hey, they were free. I took a Family Guy and a Spongebob Squarepants one for Jacob. And side benefit - each poster came with a nice piece of cardboard. I'm weird, you never know when you'll need a nice piece of cardboard.

Hey chris - We grew up with those nightstands. There's a dresser too. It's big and heavy but you're right - painted black it'd be gorgeous today!!
I was beginning to wonder if the world had ended in maryland lol. I also keep pieces of cardboard that come in things such as posters, they really do come in handy! I wish I had someone to go yardsaling with, but none of my friends really 'dig' it.
Where's the new thrift store? I can't believe I missed that!
Lisa - its in the Millicent Plaza (down and around from Big Lots - a few doors away from the Well Pet Clinic, if you know where that is). I definitely wouldn't make a special trip. Closed Sun & Mon.
Very cool find, Chris. Way to watch for deals and cardboard!
I use the calender cardboard to make some of my price labels for my market stall. And also to protect magazines I might send out via Ebay sales.
I use the calenders for organisation but also for wrapping gifts.
That kids cook book brought back a huge memory for me. I had that book when I was little, it was given to me by a wonderful woman that I will always remember fondly.
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