I am back from my spending my exciting New Years Eve in NY (and spent several post Christmas days there too). Today I drove 497.5 miles. Don't have any pics to share today. I am too beat.
You know how once in a while you hear a newstory about how someone got stranded in their car for days in a blizzard or similar situation and the people have to survive on what they have in their vehicle? Well I've come to the conclusion that when I travel, if something like that were to happen to me, I can pretty much survive for a minimum of two months. And when the rescue people find me, I'll be 10 lbs heavier than when I started.
Here's a partial list of things I had in my car upon returning from New York:
one 30 double-roll pack of Charmin toilet paper
6 packages of Target Christmas tree cookies (75% off)
one fresh pineapple (Aldi's for $1.89 - how can I pass that up? I can't)
3 tins of butter cookies (Target)
1 package of hot chocolate mix (Target)
several cans/bottles of diet soda (I only drink diet soda in order to keep my girlish figure)
about a dozen individual sized packages of Doritos and Cheetos (snacks for Jacob in the car and to eat in NY. Did not touch them the entire time but at home he eats them like crazy).
1 bag of pretzels (Jacob snacks)
6 tubes of clearanced Christmas walmart gumballs
several individual sized packages of skittles and M&Ms
bag of uneaten McNuggets and fries (did you think I would just throw them away?????)
package of Portuguese sweet rolls from The Christmas Tree Shop
package of Goetze Caramel Creams (from Christmas Tree Shop.)
package of Pistachios (gift for DH)
packages of microwaveable popcorn (to eat in NY. Jacob ate about half of the popcorn I brought).
two packages of dried cherries (Aldi's)
two boxes of fudge (75% off sale at Target)
one big can of popcorn (post Xmas gift from Mom - bought after Xmas on sale)
one box of Hershey's Pot of Gold Pecan Clusters (75% off sale Target)
unknown # of Smarties
one package of pomegranate tea (Aldi's)
four packages of cookie mix (75% off sale at Target)
And that is just what I can remember. There is probably more. The toilet paper I bought at Toys R Us, believe it or not. It was on clearance - I had to buy $25 worth of stuff so I could use a $5 off $25 coupon I had. I also had two $10 Toys R Us Gift cards to use too.