I had a good yardsaling day last Saturday. Bought a bunch of stuff. Including this old caboose lantern ($20), a big thing of peat moss ($1), some expensive backpack (the kind that someone would use for Amazing Race ($10), jug of Hoover rug cleaner (.50). Two packages of solar lanterns (8 lights) for $5, a Step 2 gardening rolling bench full of new hand tools ($5), very long tree trimming saw on poles ($2). The toilet paper came from an actual store, not a yardsale. But don't get me wrong, I HAVE bought toilet paper at a yardsale before, but this package just happened to be in my car when I took the pics.

At the moving sale where I bought the peat moss for $1 - afterward I heard the husband ask the wife - "Why didn't I ever deploy the peat moss?" And wife answered that he did but they had bought two and only needed one. So now I have my own peat moss that I will be deploying to my yard.

And last but not least, Jesus playing baseball for $1. You would think he would at least wear sandals for a little protection. And just think of the dirt. Ewww.
Great haul! Is baseball Jesus going to be a part of your decor or is he a resale item? I see a signature is it a painting? Print?
Love the Jesus picture. Who knew he was a baseball player? Author Lorilee Craker has a great post about some artwork she picked up at garage sales recently--not as "unique" as yours but stuff she actually hung in her kids' rooms. (check out her blog at www.lorileecraker.com--I have a feeling you two are kindred spirits.
Who is the artist of this picture? I have been looking for this forever. Please let me know. Thanks! Or if you still have it, I will buy it off of you. It would mean so much to me. Thank you. -Rachel
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