Friday, March 13, 2009

Thrift Store Bargains and other updates

I had a really good week as far as shopping. I got lots of great stuff at my favorite thrift and got lots of good deals shopping at Walgreens & CVS.

I also got a nice surprise package in the mail. Will blog about that in a later post. Here's a hint: Moooooooo!!!!

Took more stuff to the Play N Trade, I almost have enough credit to get Jacob a PSP (handheld Playstation game) for this birthday later this month without paying a cent. And on eBay I sold some old Gameboy games (that I probably paid .25 each for) for over $50

Speaking of Jacob's birthday, I got a card from a local grocery store (I had signed him up for their birthday club), telling me to call to reserve his free birthday cake.

But wait, there's more. I also got notification that I had won a free large Papa Johns pizza from a local website and a day later, got the free coupon in the mail.

I really thought I was on a roll when the phone rang at 9:20 this morning. I thought for sure it was Regis & Kelly calling me to answer today's trivia question. But today wasn't my day - there is always next week. It was the relentless car salesman calling about buying a truck.

Here are some of my thrift store buys from this week:

I won't list everything but the best buys I think are the Le Creuset sauce pan for $8 and the finished Serenity Prayer quilt/wall hanging for $3. Both items are for ebay. The quilt thing is nice, but it's really not my style. Maybe an A.A. member or group may bid on it since I know it's a prayer that popular in the AA community.

p.s. Oh and starting today my grocery store is having a week of tripling coupons up to .99. Today I bought bags of Rold Gold pretzels for .85/bag since my .55 coupons were tripled. I bought twenty .55 coupons on ebay a few weeks ago for $1.00. Jacob loves pretzels.

p.s.s And in the mail I got the "Save the Date" card for my niece's wedding. I need to start eating more of the 0 calorie food.

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