Friday, March 13, 2009

Free Cat with purchase of Value Village used couch

One of my friends emailed me this story below. First thought: glad they found the cat. Second thought: those buyers have got to be thrift store shopping amateurs. Because we all know, the FIRST thing you do when you buy a thrift store couch is to tear that thing apart looking for loose change/jewelry and miscellaneous animals - dead or alive. Then once all the valuables and animals are removed and it's given a good Lysol spray, THEN you can use it.

Value Village used sofa becomes cat hiding spot

On a related note, I hope my neighbors will be donating a couch soon. Their male cat keeps coming around and last night I smelled that undeniable odorous male cat smell. Yuck.

p.s. Value Village is a name of a chain of thrift stores. It is not to be confused with Vintage Value - the store that I shop at.

1 comment:

  1. I read that article in my newspaper this morning. I thought of you immediately!
