Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Speaking of Weddings

I was going thru some old pics/files on my computer and here's a goody that I think I forgot to post when I first saw it in the newspaper. Who knows, maybe I did post it, I can't remember. Identities have been hidden to protect the sweaty and the olfactory impaired. No - this is NOT my niece. Hint: if you still don't realize why I thought this was funny, look at the man's armpit area. Sweaty armpit area.

I guess maybe I should wrap DH's Valentine's gifts soon. Yes, I bought more than one. Will take a pic beforehand though. Nasal spray makes a good gift for a guy, right? Last year I went the beef jerky on clearance and twizzlers route, this year will be non-food gift(s).


  1. I didn't get it until I clicked on the picture. (I'm so slow sometimes.)

    I CAN'T believe that chick would let that fly! I would have signed us up for retakes!

  2. Forget the retakes - I would have signed up for a different husband!
