Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Guess what my tail light costs?

Ok, so I had to recently go do some car tail-light shopping. I just decided that I wanted to replace the driver's side tailight just for the heck of it. I wish. Somehow my car accidently backed itself into something it shouldn't have. Naughty bad car. No one was hurt or injured except the cheesy expensive plastic taillight. I took it to a local place that does autobody repair and I was given a quote of $354.00 (installed) for a hunk of plastic. It was something like $320 with no installation.

So....instead I went to handy dandy eBay and a new one is in the mail to me for a grand total of $125. Dh will install it. Like he should. I'm old fashioned that way - I believe the guy should be in charge of all automotive maintenance, repair and also all preventative car maintenance. Dh is lacking in the whole preventative maintenance deal. He expects me to know when I should take my car for an oil change. The guy at the autobody place said installation would only take a few minutes so I'm sure DH can figure it out. And if not, I will just say my usual "hey, you can describe in detail how a nuclear power plant works, you should be able to figure this out". I'm sure he likes it when I say that.

Anyhow, see the big difference in prices? Autobody repair places really mark stuff up.

On a bright note, I did win a $50 gift certificate tonight to a local seafood restaurant. I won it thru a new freebie newspaper that had a "guess where this picture was taken" contest. My DH hates seafood - if it swims, he won't eat it. But the place does have a steak or two on the menu.


  1. I have done the same thing and bought a side view mirror off of eBay.

    Cost in body shop with labor...$330

    Cost on eBay and husband installing...$40 plus shipping

    Ridiculous. I love ebay!

  2. The side mirror on my VUE cracked in an ice storm last winter. The Saturn dealership (which I love, normally) quoted me $325.00 to replace the entire side mirror. I went to the local mirror shop and he glued a new mirror on top of the old one for $10.00. Good as new!
