When I wrote Part 1 yesterday, it look a long time to upload all the photos and then figure out what to say. So today to finish it up, I just put up a ton of pics all at once and will write up as I go....so the pics are definitely out of order, but hey, I saved a lot of time.
Near where the ship is parked in Bermuda, there is a bunch of shops and artists (pottery, glass blowing, etc). This was at the glassware studio. High prices but beautiful stuff.
This vase cost $195. I did not buy it. But it sorta reminded me of my .25 pink FTD vase bought at a yardsale.
My .25 pink vase:
Another grocery store pic:
At one of the midnight buffets, there was this weird mermaid/mer-man??? that they must drag out every week. Take a look at those man-hands! And the 5 o'clock shadow.
This was cute though:
I tried to remember to take a pic of my dinner food everynight (using my cellphone so the lighting/focusing isn't that great:
It was a 2 story dining room:
The first day when they said I had won a Crown & Anchor Society prize, I thought for sure they were going to give me this crown that they had enclosed in glass at one of the lounges. Mousepad shmousepad - don't they know who I am? But now that I think about it, I do prefer crowns that have more diamonds.
Me, wearing a bathsuit at the beach. Yes I was, but trust me, you don't want to see it.
Thursday morning, the day we got off the ship, I woke up at 5:30am and took this pic - so you'd better appreciate it. It happens to be a picture of *the* best nuclear power plant in Maryland - all lit up at night. Picture was taken with my cellphone. Had a nice conversation with a bathroom cleaner from the Phillipines who held the door open for me so I could get the picture. It was very windy and I couldn't go out on the deck. I do find it kinda cool that here there are cruise ships passing practically by my house and I've never seen them (since the Chesapeake Bay is pretty darn big).
Inside the cabin:
Baltimore bridge:
Last night at dinnertime - the waiters/busboys/cooks sang a song.
One of the many towel animals that our cabin steward - Wanda from Nicaragua made for us:
Playing the adult scavenger hunt - Quest. My sister and I played with another couple - the guy was very into it. We had never played it before - and people are secretive about it so I didn't know what to expect. Our team # was #17. He's wearing my bra and purse, and lipstick.
I asked Tom if he wanted me to email him the pictures. He said no. He didn't want his adult aged sons to see it. I wonder if his family ever go to yardsales....or yardsale websites...
Tried taking a picture of the menu's one night:
Bermuda is so pretty they don't even have garbage. They have litter.
I may still add some pictures/videos later on sometime. I haven't seen the pics my sister has taken. And I really haven't looked at the videos that I took with my cellphone.
All of my previous cruises were out of Miami or San Juan so it was different leaving from Baltimore. Most people were from Maryland and Virginia so it wasn't a big mix of people. Too many people wearing Washington Redskins and Baltimore Ravens attire. When you cruise out of from Miami etc, you get people from all over. I wasn't impressed with the Port of Baltimore - it was raining when we had to drop our luggage off, but it took 1.5 hours to drive from one side of the parking lot to the other due to the low number of baggage handlers they had working (in the rain). You couldn't park your car and walk the luggage to the drop off area, you had to drive to it and it took a ridiculously long time. I'm thinking the luggage handlers all called in sick due to the rain.
I think the next time I cruise, I will go get a prescription strength patch thing to wear behind my ear. I tell you, that first day at sea was really bad. Never been on a cruise ship with such rough seas and rockiness.
But other than that, it was a great time. I'm hoping the next time I go to Bermuda, the Salvation Army will be open. I could have gone back the following day, but we had other things to do and had to be back on the ship by a certain time or else they would have left without me.
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