Had a busy weekend. It was a hot weekend - on Saturday I got up early and went yardsaling. Bought this nice Ikea shelf unit for $7. On the Ikea website the baskets are $3.50 EACH. It will replace the plastic basket things in my pantry. The Ikea shelf holds a lot more too.
On Sunday we had my husband's work party/luau to go to. Yea for nuclear power! It was held at a nearby park. They had a big buffet, including all the pig you cared to eat. Also snowcones, cotton candy, Coronas and wine. They did limit the amount of free alcohol per person. I wish they had done that when I went to the party they held at Ravens Stadium about a year and a half ago (check the blog for around the Feb. 2007 timeframe if you're bored). I got overserved wine at that party. They had a lot of giveaways ($50 gas cards, restaurant gift cards, Wii's, XBox etc) but we walked away empty handed. Well not totally, they had a local nursery doing crafts with kids (and adults) - you got to decorate a plastic flower pot and pick out a plant/flower to take home. And they had activities for the kids, like the big inflatables. And because it was so hot, they also had a misting tent set up, where you could go in and get misted.
I dressed Jacob in a vintage 1988 t-shirt from the nuke plant. I found it at VV for .35 so I had to buy it. And he wore the hat since the theme was a luau. I tried to get him to show the back of the shirt - which has the name of the awesomest nuclear power plant in Maryland.

Last night, Huey Lewis and the News was having a concert nearby. I saw them once back in the 80's. I hadn't planned on going - didn't want to pay $45 to sit on a folding chair in a field. This concert was hosted by a local fire department as a fundraiser. The local radio station was giving out tickets all last week and I tried almost everyday to win, but I was never the right # caller. It was frustrating but I figured it just wasn't meant to be.
And last but not least, had a great end to the weekend. So we get home from the party on Sunday afternoon and I get a phone call from one of the members of my message board who lives nearby. She did win a pair of tickets from the radio station contest and her husband was too tired from a Boy Scout camping trip to go....so she asked moi! And I said yes! I was able to clear my schedule since as you would expect, I usually have a jammed packed social calendar. It was a good concert and for freebie seats, the seats were excellent - in the 14th row, ahead of many people who paid for their tix. Huey still looks and sounds great - has aged well like a piece of Prime USDA beefcake ;)
When I was looking thru the show's program, I saw there was a coupon to Buy 1 Get 1 Free dinner at a local restaurant that I've been wanting to try. The coupon is a $20 value. So I went and got more programs.
And after the show when we were walking in front of the stage, the guys working on the stage threw my friend and I each a Huey Lewis sweat towel that was sitting on the stage. Mine smells like hotel bleach - don't think it was used.

I took this short video during my walk to get more programs. Shows the concert experience in southern maryland. Amenities included a row of generic porta-potties.
And here is It's All Right:
Speaking of porta-potties....at least when there are concerts at the museum, they have some porta-potties but also have an "upscale" portable bathroom, toilets that flush, running water in sinks etc. But I must say, yesterday I experienced what I consider the ultimate in portable toilet facilities. Yesterday, at the party in the park, there is a regular bathroom, but with hundreds of people there, they brought in a portable toilet trailer from Gotugo. If you go to the website, you'll even see the Queen of England's picture on their website. Any throne good enough for Queen of England is good enough for me. It really was nice - nice doors that go all the way to the floor. In looking further into the website, the one at the party was an executive trailer.