Since my husband has to work crazy hours this month, I knew the chances of him having Saturday (yesterday) off from work was very slim. I wanted to sell at the annual Parks & Recs indoor yardsale (yardsale space is a very cheap $5) but I resigned myself to the fact that I would just have to go as a shopper with Jacob. There's no way I'd be able to have a yardsale (set up etc and pay attention to customers) and watch Jacob at the same time. But on Friday, my husband called from work around 11am and said that he could take Saturday off (and therefore be home with Jacob) if I wanted to sell at the yardsale. I was so excited that I drove to the Parks & Recs office to sign up and left my wallet at home. DOH! But I figured I could withdrawl money at my nearby bank so I drove over to the bank to make a withdrawl. But without any ID on me I didn't know if I could. But thankfully I got the teller who sees me a lot (I routinely go thru the drive-thru with my dog to cash checks etc. My dog LOVES the bank since they give out dog treats at the drive-thru.) So I was able to make a withdrawl without any problem. Then I drive back to the Parks & Recs office to pay. Then it dawns on me....in my change purse that I keep separate from my wallet, I definitely had more than $5 in it. I didn't have to waste my time going to the bank and then driving back to the Parks & Recs office to begin with. Double DOH!
There were lots of customers at the sale and I didn't have time to take a good picture of my table when it was full. The above pic was taken a few hours into the sale. I plan on going thru the rest of the stuff that didn't sell and make a donation box to Smile. I did good selling a lot of the "new" stuff that I've been able to buy cheap at stores using coupons, like deodorant, Sunsilk hair stuff and cat food and dog treats. A few months ago I really stocked up on Electrosol dishwasher soap when people were selling free coupons on ebay. I ended up paying about $1 per coupon for a free box of Electrosol, I think overall I have about 40-50 boxes of it in my stockpile. I'm sure if I had more time to organize the yardsale I could have sold some of that for $2 a box.

I made two really good buys yesterday. One was a vintage Redman picnic basket for $3. Not in the best shape but I like these baskets - I think they have more personality than Longaberger baskets. I can never have enough baskets for storage. And the other good buy was a nice computer chair for Jacob for his room and it was only $3. Has the hydraulic lift thing on it so he is having a ball raising and lowering himself on it.