Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Yardsalequeen in Real Simple Magazine

Next time you are standing in line at the grocery store, check out the May 2010 issue of Real Simple magazine. Page 188 to be exact. Lots of good info I assume. But I haven't read it yet. Makes me nervous to read what I've said in a telephone interview.

p.s. Note to Real Simple - if you had asked, I would have provided a 1990's era Glamour Shot of myself to use on the cover - instead you used a bottle of cleaner. Really???


  1. I READ this!!! GO YOU! You are a bloggy rockstar! :)

  2. How awesome! I *love* that magazine! Congrats!

  3. Your all famous and stuff!

    Way to go!

  4. Not sure if I read this issue yet or not as I have a serious magazine backlog going. If I havent, I will be back to let you know how you did. Congrats!
