Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother's Day Gift to my Mom

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there. Surprise, surprise, I got a Slapchop and Jacob helped me open it :) I told my mom that her gift would be delayed - especially since I just finished it today. A while back I bought the bracelet on the left from a yardsale seller who mostly had scrapbooking supplies. I am scrapbooking impaired but I did buy the $2 bracelet which has room for 5 photos.

Walgreens had a deal yesterday for a free 8 x 10 collage print - so I uploaded 20 photos (the max that the collage can handle) hoping that I'd be able to cut out 4 that would work in the bracelet. I already had a tiny pic of Jacob that would work. My mom doesn't read my blog so I don't mind showing it here since she won't see it before it comes in the mail. The bracelet has my dad and the 4 grandkids. For someone who isn't crafty, I think it turned out nice.

Bought lots of stuff yesterday. Will post about it on Monday.

Amazing Race finale tonight - come on cowboys - the inhabitants of the YSQ castle are rooting for you guys!

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