Friday, March 26, 2010

The Yardsalequeen Roots - Albany NY in the 80's

Ahhhh, this takes me back to the glory of Albany, NY in the 80's. The clothes, the music, the hair! I could watch this all day long. But a disclaimer to others not from the upstate New York region: I am not responsible if your eyes and ears bleed afterward. I cannot even name my most favorite part - too many to list - we got Nipper, we got a woman in a crown (that is not me, by the way - that is a Tulip Queen), we got a priest wearing a Michael Jackson glove, we got a "insert Governor here" sign, we got Mike Tyson (who I did touch while in a bar in Albany but I digress), we got Dick Wood (yes, that is the name of one of Albany's local celebrities). It's so perfectly 80's.


  1. OH.MY.GOSH. Chris!!! This is SO PERFECT!! I am LMAO!!! My brother met his wife (a Glens Falls native) while they were both in college in Albany Pharm. in the late 70's... they married in the mid 80's, and have lived in Albany ever since... HOW CAN I COPY THIS TO SEND TO THEM???? GOTTA HAVE IT!!

  2. Svelte - just send them this link -

    One of my cousins graduated from Albany College of Pharmacy in the mid-80's. My brother lives in Albany - just across the street from Washington Park.

  3. I spent a week in the libraries of Albany during the 80's doing research for my doctoral dissertation. Nice city; nice people.

  4. new post pleaseeeeee

  5. This is so cool! I'm in Saratoga Springs, NY
