Sunday, March 07, 2010

Oscar Night

Tonight is the Oscars and I cannot think of the Oscars without thinking back to Oscar night 2000 when I gave birth to Jacob. He's not 10 yet, the Oscars in 2000 were held late in March.

Of course I have not seen a single movie that is nominated. I can't remember the last movie I saw at a movie theater. Pulp Fiction? Titanic??? We don't have any good theaters nearby with stadium seating - have to drive a bit. Then I hate dealing with people talking in theaters, people sitting in front of me etc etc. The general public, in general, drive me nuts. haha.

Here is my debut on Great Day Houston with Deborah Duncan. I haven't gotten the guts yet to really listen to it. After I heard myself say a few "umms" I turned the volume down. There was a sound problem so that's why it wasn't done via Skype.


  1. You sounded great!!! Didn't hear that many umms.

  2. That was very nicely done. You gave some really good advice for alot of people new into yard sales many have no clue how to set one up. Especially in these economic times, people can use all the help they can get to strecth out their dollars. I just recently found a Real Picassso this weekend yard saling for $5.00. Check it out at
