Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Festivus

Hope your Festivus was a good day full of feats of strength and airing of grievances.

I bought my DH the above Festivus CD (at Borders on clearance during the summer) and of course, forgot to give it to him today. So it will be a Christmas present. I hate it when I forget to do stuff. I lugged some big heavy packages today shopping retail. And why does my house keep shrinking?? And I hate that I have to drive 75 miles to get to an airport. I'm irritated that my favorite thrift is closed for winter break until January 6. And I'm also po'ed that schools were closed 2 days this week. Maryland snow removal sucks. Traffic at the shopping centers irritated me today. And the stores were out of Festivus poles.

Man, too bad Festivus only comes one day a year! I am pretty darn good at airing grievances.


  1. I had to look Festivus up to learn what it was. Susan C.

  2. Does Ben and Jerry's still sell the Festivus ice cream? It was really, really, good. Haven't seen it in a while.
