Monday, November 02, 2009

Yardsale Fate or Karma or whatever you call it

I just love yardsale karma, or fate or whatever you call it. I swear some days, I should just stay home and "shop" at my own house and see what I can find.

The other day I was looking high up in my cupboard and spotted this Jungle Book plastic glass that I forgot I bought years and years ago. It was one of 8 glasses put out by Burger King in 1994. The other glasses in the series depict Snow White, Pinocchio, Aladdin etc. I remember being at a yard sale and this other woman and I were looking at the various glasses that the seller had but nothing was marked. When the seller said they were .25 each, the other woman started taking a bunch and I just managed to get the one Jungle Book one, where it has sat in my cupboard for the past decade or so.

So get this - Jacob's *new* favorite movie is The Jungle Book. He watches it over and over and replays his favorite scenes. (Personally, I have never watched the entire thing).

I just find it very cool about yard sale fate - that years before my son was born, I manage to get the ONE glass from that yardsale seller that he would LOVE. And stranger still is that I actually found it while he can still enjoy it, rather than waiting until he outgrew his Junglebook phase and then finding it.

It's gonna be wrapped up for Christmas.