Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back from an upstate New York Wedding / David Cassidy / Urgent Care Center visit / Yardsale Shopping / Racino Gambling / Margarita Drinking Weekend

I flew back last night from my extended weekend trip to upstate New York to attend my niece's wedding (and as a bonus, went to David Cassidy's Moving Sale. I see the craiglist ad has been removed but I will exchange the broken link with a copy of the craiglist ad since I printed it out).

Will add a ton of pics later. I know you all want to see David Cassidy's rental house toilet.

The trip started off a little rough because I was so looking forward to my free rum and coke during my Southwest flight (about an hour flight) from Baltimore to upstate NY and because of "turbulance" the pilot asked the flight attendants to remain seated for a majority of the flight. If you remember, earlier this year at a yardsale, for $2 I bought a Southwest booklet of 5 free drink coupons aboard Southwest. The flight attendant took my rum and coke drink order but no one got served their drinks and not even pretzels. Ugh. Then started not feeling well after I landed. I think my body couldn't handle going without a diet coke for more than an hour and it messed me up all evening.

But I did manage to have dinner the first night (Thursday night) with my friend Bev and Donna. Friday was the day of the David Cassidy Moving Sale. I was able to do some regular people garage saling on Friday morning and then in the afternoon I went to the David Cassidy moving sale. I will do a separate blog post for that adventure. Afterward I bonded with my mom at her favorite place Saratoga Racino where I walked away as a $23 winner playing the .01 and .02 slots. I even did some high stakes gambling and tried the nickle slots.

Friday evening I ate dinner with two cousins from Nashville and one from Georgia. Saturday afternoon was the wedding but of course there were a few Saturday morning yardsales I wanted to check out. I asked the bride to be if she wanted to go yardsaling with me but for some reason she said she had other things she had to do that morning.

The wedding was great and the reception was a lot of fun. But I could have done without the part about my uncle asking me if I had gained weight. I am sure he had me confused with someone else. Right??? But just in case he didn't, the diet starts tomorrow. Oh wait, I have another wedding to go to this Saturday, so the diet starts next Monday. Or Tuesday. Anyhow, how can I be fat? My driver's license says I weigh 130.

On Sunday I got to spend more time with my cousins walking around downtown Saratoga, visiting the Yaddo Gardens and then had a great dinner with them. But of course the night was still young so we went to the Racino, where I walked away a whole $9 richer.

When I got back to my mom's late at night, she had fallen earlier in the night and said she twisted her ankle. The next morning, when she couldn't walk, I took her to an Urgent Care center (sorta like a mini emergency room) where they x-rayed and found she had fractured her ankle. Great. She is seeing an orthopedist doctor today and hopefully things will work out. Oye.

As luck would have it, I was on the same Southwest flight going home with my cousins so that was neat. And I got to drink my free rum and coke - yea. I got off in Baltimore and they continued onto Nashville.

So today is unpacking, laundry etc. I gotta to thru my pics but here is a few to get started.

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