Monday, July 06, 2009

Retail Therapy

I was in need of some retail therapy today and boy did I buy buy buy. I really didn't mean to, I innocently stopped into my local CVS to get the 3 free scotch-tapes (free with register rewards) after dropping Jacob off at summer camp but then I noticed that all of their gardening stuff was 90% off. And I knew I would be near two other CVS's I stopped by those too to see what they had left.

The above pic is a conglomeration of what I bought at all 3 CVS's. Most expensive thing was that $1.99 garden rocker chair (was $19.99) and the two hoses were normally $14.99 - so I paid $1.49 ea. Same with the gardening shoes - $1.49. potting soils .59 ea, candle .19, fake tea light battery operated candles .49 (I have no idea why they were considered gardening stuff), sunflower growing kit .19, plastic pots .39, weed killer .59 and .69, gloves .39, miracle grow .55

Then it was onto one of my thrifts. Bought myself a tan shirt .75, and a St. John sweater for $2.00 (ebay). I didn't notice the stain in the front of the green one - the pic makes it really stand out (I will blame the store's bad fluorescent lighting). It's definitely not my style. But it's St. John (not to be confused with St. John's Bay) so I had to buy it. I will get it dry cleaned and see how it turns out and save it for listing on ebay in February. Maybe someone would want it for St. Patty's Day.

Also bought a Black Family cookbook ($1) and two USB port extender thingies ($2.50 each). You plug it into your USB port and it turns 1 port into 4. My computer is lacking in USB ports so it will be nice not have to keep unplugging stuff and plugging stuff back in.

The two other things in the below pic is a $1 yardsale behind the door towel rack that I forgot to mention in my last post and the .25 mylar balloons.

And speaking of shopping....I was reading the classifieds the other day (looking at the yardsale ads of course) but a Help Wanted ad caught my eye. A new Christmas Tree Shop is going to be opening later this year. It's not exactly close (about 45 miles away) but for us that is nothing (it will be near the closest mall which is 45 miles away). My mom calls Christmas Tree Shops a "glorified dollar store". There is one near my mom's house so when I go to NY I like to shop there but don't buy anything "big" since there isn't enough room in the car. I can see myself this Fall getting Jacob on the bus and then hopping in the car to go shopping there occasionally. Don't let the name of the store fool you, it isn't just Christmas stuff. It's a little bit of everything.

Also today I checked the progress of our new Kohl's store, they were paving roads in the new shopping complex, but its still months and months away from being ready.


  1. OOH!
    Wonderful bargains

    Oh and CTS (christmas tree shops) is my drug of choice... we have one 10 miles away and I only allow myself to go there every 2 weeks

    LOVE IT!

  2. Oh my! We don't have CVS here, wish we did.

    You got some great deals!

  3. Hi I just started following your blog and I love it! I am sooo jealous that you are getting a Christmas tree shop! I wish we had one but we don't. I stock up when I go to Massachusetts to see my family. :) Erin

  4. what bargains and I just saw your stuff from yesterday's post too, kudos!

    nice blog, enjoyed my visit, gotta love a fellow thrifter!

