Friday, July 03, 2009

In Remembrance of the Whiskey Dog - A Giveaway

A few years ago, Bruce Littlefield of Garage Sale America interviewed me for his book and right there on page 46 is a pic of me, Jacob and the Whiskey Dog. Although Whiskey is not mentioned in the blurb, he is definitely the cutest dog in the entire book.

Anyhow, Bruce was kind enough to send me a few extra copies.

For your chance to win a copy of this book, post a comment to this blog posting and tell the name of your pet (past or present..if none, make up a name.) And if you are posting anonymously, make sure you put your email address somewhere in the comments.

One entry per person. Enter by midnight July 7th. Winner will be chosen randomly on the morning of July 8th. If the winner is in the USA, the book will be shipped via slow Media Mail, because I am cheap.

p.s. If your entry gets chosen, and I don't see a pet's name written somewhere in the comment, I will randomly pick again.


  1. Sorry for the loss of your dog. We lost our Beago last summer and have not "replaced". It's always hard. Thanks for the chance to win!

    Deborah in Michigan
    queensdap AT centurytel DOT net

    Love your blog! :)

  2. We have our 22 pound ball of flub - Tiger, our chubby Pity Girl who just walked in one day like, "I live here now" and our sweet Little Lady. Three cats that we love so much!

  3. I would love to have a copy - I hope I win!!

  4. I am so excited that you are in the book! Thank you for this give away!

    My corgi's name is Gingerbean and she is almost 1 year old.

  5. I'm so sorry about Whiskey.

    We put our poodle to sleep this Spring, RIP Rigby.

    Love the picture of you guys!

  6. Donna in Warrenton, VA6:28 AM, July 04, 2009

    I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost our Clifford (golden retrieve) 5 years ago and I still miss him.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I loved reading about your Whiskey adventures!

    We have 2 cats, one named Max who is pretty laid back, and Sassy, who is certain she is the queen!

    I love love love your blog!

  8. He was a cutie. We have one furbaby - his name is Rocky and he's a Chihuahua. Plus we have a cat - our little girl Sugar


    annabellainla at

  9. I would love to win a copy of this. Thanks for the opportunity. My very first cat who died at 19 years was named Dusty!

    Sandym87 at

  10. I would love to win this book and I am proudly owned by a Boston Terrier named Lady! (SHHHHHHH...she doesn't know she's a dog!)
    aorlflood at comcast dot net

  11. Sorry to hear about Whiskey's passing...Our oldest dog's (6/1996)name is Sissy, but over the years it has become "Mr. Sister". Unfortunately she is now deaf and very slow moving. We know her time will be soon, but we still can't bear the thought...

  12. I will miss hearing about Bob's adventures!
    We have two patriotic kitties; George and Martha.

    smithre1 at hotmail dot com

  13. I was just talking today to my little girl about the dog I had as a little girl, Arrow. She said, like an aerobed?
    He has been gone almost 20 years now. . . jeez, am I that old?

    caithamers at fuse dot net

  14. We just lost our dog 2 months ago. Her name was Bonnie.

  15. When my dh and I got married, our first dog was Precious, and she was. Her little pup was named Dixie (born in Virginia). Then, we had Tips (so named because the tips of her feet were white). Now, we have May (named by my son who loved a book about a dog named May), Sweetie (and she is), and Missy (who doesn't know she's a dog, she just thinks she's the youngest kid in the house)! So, that's the story on the dogs in our family; now if you want the story on the sheep, the goats, the pigs, and the cows, well, that's a horse of another color (and a much longer story)!

  16. So sorry about your loss! I have always been a "cat" person-we never seemed to have good luck with outside dogs. Then 8 years ago my hubby brought home Eli then a year later Bitsey. Who knew how much you could love dogs? They are so much a part of our lives!

  17. Stan. That's it - one little, old (8yrs. & counting) Goldfish. Won at the County Fair.

    I'm going to miss hearing about Whiskey's escapades!

  18. Current residents: Boo the cat, Poonie the cat, Holly the dog, Boogie the dog, and Gracie the goat. I still cry when I think about my wonderful kitty, Edgar, who died 5 years ago.

  19. So sorry about Whiskey :( We rescued a black lab mix this year, and named her Liberty Belle - I know how easy it is to become attached!

  20. I would love to have this book!

    When I was a kid, we had a dog named Buffy. Unfortunately, we moved across country and had to give her away. She was a great dog!

  21. First came Chip. After my two girls he was my boy. He followed me every where. Chip was a German Short haired Pointer. He weighed in at 100 pounds of pure l-o-v-e! After we lost him I felt that we could never again have a dog that I could not lift in his time of need...after all he was always there guarding me. Along came Duke, our Mini Schnauzer all of 15 pounds who thinks he is 100 pounds! Good things do come in small packages!
    Love the website btw.

  22. My little kitty is Platelet. He 'found' me at work. He must have known that living with me was the good life! Do we get a bonus entry since we are both sitting on what looks like the same couch in the picture? :)

  23. Sorry to here about the Whiskey dog. We haven't had pets for awhile but now have Shocker, Sylvester and Bella. A lizard, cat and dog. Really enjoy your blog.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I am so sorry about your dog.. When I lost my cat I was crushed.. It took so long to sink in. So sad. I love your blog. I just wish I could get to yard sales more ofter.. love them!

  26. My beloved BooBoo kitty passed unexpectedly on March 4th- I am still recovering from it despite getting a new pal for his ol' dad (he was so lonely!). I love the new Jinxie, but BooBoo was hand raised from a bitty baby and he was "my" cat. I also have a 14-y/o Dalmatian that is extremely priceless (just ask my vet!) and I don't know what I will do when she 'goes.' I'm so sorry about your doggie....

  27. Nick (from YSQ message boards)2:15 PM, July 07, 2009

    Sorry to hear about Whiskey... I'll tell ya, that is such a cool name for a Dog.

    Back when I was 6 I had recieved two rabbits as an Easter gift from a cousin. I decided to name one "Farfick", and the other "Noogin". I remember naming them that after seeing a Volkswagen commercial advertising the Fahrvergnügen slogan.

    Three Years ago, We gave a Male tabby cat to my Friends son who was 4 at the time. We asked him what he was going to name him. He came up with the name "Mr. Peanuts"... lets say because of a certain part of the anatomy... LOL!

    They also have another cat that he named, "Bubbles Bob Glass" I don't know where this kid came up with these names, but he sure is a riot.
