Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Thrift Store Buys Today

There's what I bought today. And I got an audio copy of the CNBC Business Radio short commentary that aired over Memorial Day weekend to a bunch of radio stations all over. Ummm..I hope you can listen to it. Will try to figure out an easier way to post it.

Yardsales Audio File


  1. Have you heard of It's a place where people list their unwanted items in your area, all you have to do is be willing to go pick it up. I just went there and signed up, however the only thing in my area were cats, dogs and bathtubs! Nice Video.

  2. Of course I've heard of FC. Just never used it...too many emails and stuff was always gone.

    I have a hard enough finding space for the stuff I buy, let alone finding free stuff.

  3. Wow Legos I buy those every chance I get but they are not very easy to find at yard sales. I go every Saturday and I find Legos about twice a year

    How often do you find Legos?

  4. Jon,

    I don't find legos too often at yardsales (especially those that are new in box) most of the time I find its at my fav thrift. Did you see my other video where I show other Legos, like that Star wars one?
