Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chocolate, Pizza and Diet Pills

I got some good bargains at Walgreens this week. The only problem I have with Walgreens is that sometimes when they clearance stuff, it's hard to tell if the clearance price is the real price or if it's cheaper than it looks. For instance, I saw they had pizzas on clearance for something like $2.88 - but I had a feeling they would be cheaper. So I took one to the cashier and had her do a price-check. They rang up for $1.09 I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wish Walgreens had a self-serve price checker thing for customers to use.

So....I bought a bunch of cheese pizzas for $1.09 and also clearanced Lindt truffles for $1.09 each. I swear, they could put chopped liver in a Lindt truffle and it would probably taste ok. Another bargain at Walgreens this week was Stride gum (on sale for .79/pack) and I had a $2.00 off coupon when you buy 3 packs. So I basically paid .37 for 3 packs of gum (which is normally like 1.29 per pack).

So to counteract the pizza and chocolate, I bought 3 bottles of Dexatrim (sealed, and with a 2010 expiration date) at $2.00 a bottle at Smile. Oh, and the Hershey's cookbook ($1) also caught my eye so I had to get that too.

I popped into Smile today for a quick look and found these cute little toy Gerber tins. Paid .75 for all 4. Will keep and put with my collection of old spice tins & crap in my kitchen. My other favorite buy of week from Smile was a half-full bottle of Donna Karan's Cashmere Mist perfume. One of my favorite perfumes. Was marked $2 but they had a half priced day, so it was $1.

Weather has been pretty dreary the past few Saturdays, so yardsale season really hasn't started up. My neighborhood association is supposedly having one on April 11th - they put it out in a newsletter that they will advertise a community wide yardsale if they hear from people interested in having a yardsale that Saturday.

I find it kinda ironic that I've given permission to various neighborhood associations all over the country to reprint some of my tips in their newsletters for their community sales, but here I am in my neighborhood and they don't even consult me about whether or not that Saturday would be a good day. (Personally I think not, because of Easter, spring break etc, too much going on). I guess I've done too good of a job blending in with the commoners in my neighborhood and hiding my yardsale royalty celebrity status.

In the mail today I finally got the PSP case that I ordered from some seller in China. It's a hard case to hold the PSP game. The auction gave your choice of colors. I emailed them and asked for a blue, black or silver case. The case I got today is a salmon/red/orange color. I complained, not sure if they will do anything.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris, thanks a lot for your tips. In my country most people never heard about yard sales. I used to sell my stuff at our local "Ebay" but why not to try it something diferent? So, my first garage sales "venda de garagem" will happen in 3 weeks. I am very excited and I have still a lot to do and learn but I know will be a sucess! :-) Erica (Ludmila)
    My english is bad, I hope you understand. If you have a chance, visit my blog! Best wishes, Erica (Ludmila)
