Sunday, February 01, 2009

An Open Letter to Bruce Springsteen regarding Queen of the Yardsale

Bruce, in case you haven't heard, some people are criticizing your new song "Queen of the Supermarket". I know what the problem is and it's easily fixable with a few word changes here and there with the lyrics. You and I both know it should have been about "Queen of the Yardsale". It's not too late, just fix a few of the words here and there (for instance, yardsale queens don't wear a white apron, but you can change the word to fanny pack, or just money apron).

I'm in love with the Queen of the Yardsale
I'm in love with the Queen of the Yardsale
I'm in love with the Queen of the Yardsale
I'm in love with the Queen of the Yardsale

See? Sounds nice doesn't it? Will be watching the halftime show tonight and hopefully you'll have time to fix the song and sing the new and improved version tonight at the Superbowl.

p.s. just a note - Bruce managed to work the f-word into the song - so just giving you a heads up incase you don't like that sorta thing. When Bruce asks me to collaborate with him on the re-write for the yardsale queen version, I'll get the word taken out (so that it will sound better on the radio without having to bleep it).

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