Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Giant Grocery Stores now doubles coupons up to .99!

One good change for the new year is that one of my grocery stores Giant Food is now doubling coupons up to .99! As far back as I remember, they would double coupons worth .50 and less but now up to .99 I think it's a permanent change, not just for a week or two (I have my fingers crossed).

I was there today and used some .75 Pounce Cat treat coupons. The treats are normally $1.59 so with the coupons, I ended up paying .09 each. Too bad I don't have a cat. But it's hard to replace Rudy, the best damn cat who ever lived. Perhaps you've even him, he did appear once in a national cat calendar....maybe someday I'll show a pic. No, he wasn't some special hoity toidy cat, just a regular awesome cat.

Anyhow, I'll end up doing something with the cat treats. I know people with cats. Speaking of pets, or animal companions, or whatever the politically correct term is....I bought a hamster over Christmas. I normally try to avoid buying stupid stuff, but I saw it and had to have it. It's a fake hamster that runs on a wheel. It is mesmerizing I tell ya. And I paid retail - 9.99 plus tax. It was at Cracker Barrel near my mom's house, I had stopped in to buy 70% off Christmas stuff and saw that stupid little fake hamster. It's stupid but I love it.

I also did some some after-Christmas shopping at Target, Walmart and CVS. CVS is not exciting me this year. I swear too much Hannah Montana and High School Musical crap leftover. When CVS has gone to 90% off Christmas stuff in the past, I've gotten lots of good stuff. Not sure how I will do this year. Right now the stuff is still sitting at 75% off.

Also while in NY, I went to a KB Toys going out of business sale. Bought Jacob some small toys and for DH I bought two talking Homer Simpson/Smithers car dashboard statues (will put away for Valentines Day). I went to the Christmas Tree Shop but the only thing I bought was Portugese breakfast rolls that I always buy there.


  1. I havent looked at the Giant ad in a few weeks, I will have to get my coupons in order and check it out. I have been doing the double/triple coupon deals at Shoppers though.

  2. my rescued greyhound, skylar, loves cat treats. bet whiskey would love 'em, too.
