Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I made it to Cake Wrecks!

When I was out doing my Halloween bargain candy shopping yesterday, I saw two horribly decorated cakes, so of course since I had my cellphone camera on me, I took pics and submitted them to the Cake Wrecks Blog

The two pics I submitted are the ones with the smushed congratulations on both for the 08' (should be '08) win.

McCain/Obama cakes

p.s. pics of Bermuda to come shortly. I promise. I did manage to put a few videos on Youtube. Unfortunately I used my new camera, which I am not totally used to, so videos came out more pixelated than they should be.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say hi and that I enjoy reading your blog. You definitely are the queen of a good deal! I am trying to be more like you and save whenever I can, but I have a long way to go.

    And I saw your Cake Wrecks yesterday...congrats!

