Sunday, November 02, 2008

Goldtoe Socks $2.12, Spiderman Costume $2

I'll be back soon to post pics of my Bermuda trip, but before I forget I wanted to post about my deal on Goldtoe socks for Jacob. Normally $12 a 6-pack, I paid $2.12 on Friday. I had another $10 off a $10 purchase coupon and had to use quickly before it expired.

And while I'm here, here's a Halloween pic of Jacob. I bought a Spiderman costume at a yardsale for $1 - and it came with a cheesy cloth hood/mask thing. Then a few weeks later at another yardsale I found a nice spiderman mask for $1. I got the pumpkin bucket free at CVS - it was buy it for $1.99 and then get $1.99 in Extra Care Bucks back, so it was essentially free.

I've never really taken Jacob trick or treating in my neighborhood (I have my reasons). I did try taking him a few streets over to Whiskey's other mother's house, but she wasn't home. Encountered mobs of teenagers walking in center of the street in groups of 20 or more. I am not exaggerating. Then drove to my friend Sharon's house - she was my best friend when I worked at the nuke plant and even though I don't see her as often as I did when I worked full-time, I still think of her as one of my best friends. She practically filled Jacob's bucket half-full. Then took Jacob to a strip mall shopping center that does trick or treating and ate a late dinner at Chick-fil-a (yum).

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