Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Feel like I've been living at the grocery store

I spent several hours at Shoppers Food Warehouse yesterday to take advantage of their double and triple coupon deal they are currently running. It is time consuming to do a major couponing shopping excursion. I think I waste a lot of time trying to find particular items that I have coupons for. And then if I don't find it, I look again to make sure I didn't just overlook it. And so on and so on. Then once I find something, I have to mentally calculate whether its a worthwhile enough deal to get it or not.

Well I think I am plenty stocked up on cornstarch. I probably have a lifetime supply, if I had planned on eating it. Will probably make that play dough stuff with it (take a box of cornstarch and add water to make a weird goopy sloppy mess to play with). But its not like playdough where you can make anything with it, its just to squish around in your hands.

Been busy the last few days, so the last thing I wanted to do last night was arrange all the food and crap I bought on my kitchen floor to take a pic of it. So instead what you're getting is just a pic of my full cart. Total before coupons was $273.93 and after it was $104.67. I "saved" $169.26. I say saved in quotes because it's not like I'm really saving the money, because if I had had to pay full price for that stuff in the first place, I wouldn't have. It's not like I need 4 cartons of Haagen Daz ice cream but since I only paid $1.33 each, I figured why not. The receipt was over 7' long.

The ironic thing was, I was in the grocery store for hours yesterday and today I had more grocery shopping to do. Had to go to a different store today for my turkey and some other things.

I had an headache tonight and my DH asked me if I wanted to play a game of pool. Since company is coming tomorrow, we cleaned off the pool table. It's a rare day in the YSQ household when the pool table is free of clutter. I said ok even though I didn't feel quite up to it but I wanted to try out a *new* pool cue I bought a few weeks ago at a yardsale for $15. It's a nice grey graphite pool cue with fancy graphics. Dh asked me if I wanted to practice first, since he had already practiced a little. It's been months and months since I shot a game of pool. And previous to that, it had been months or a year etc.

Needless to say, I didn't need no stinkin' practice :) Winning does wonders for a headache.

p.s. I bought gas today for $1.49 a gallon. It was just at 1.70 the other day. I also saw gas at $1.47 in my area too today (but I don't care for that particular gas station because of the difficulty in entering/exiting).


  1. Those grocery savings are amazing. I'm usually happy if I can leave with $10 in savings, but wow...

  2. kicked butt in pool! cool.

  3. no double or triple coupons here where I live, gas is still over 2.00 a gallon, we are hurting..... Enjoy those savings!
