Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dodged a bullet today

Tomorrow was supposed to be my first day of actual jury duty. Last week I started to freak out a little about it since I am supposed to be at the courthouse at 8:30am. Yikes. No way could I put Jacob on the bus and make it to the courthouse at 8:30 which is a good 15 miles away, park, go thru Security etc. So when I called and told them that, they said 9 am would be fine. But that would still be some rushing around on my part and maybe exceeding the 55 MPH speed limit to get there. Because of some activity at the nuke plant tomorrow, DH wouldn't be able to use his flex schedule to go late and get Jacob on the bus. So I knew I would have to.

I know this is way too boring, so I will try to cut it short. I called today to make sure my jury # was still needed for tomorrow - and yippee - it's not! Other potential jurors have to go in, but I have a lucky number that is not needed for tomorrow. You know what that means, don't you? That means I'll have more time tomorrow to shop. Errrr...I mean I'll have more time to declutter and clean my house and get organized. Afterall, it is the beginning of a new school year, sorta like a fresh start to make this the school year that I declutter and clean my house while Jacob is at school.

Well it will have to wait. Today I went to Smile, Walgreens, CVS, Food Lion and to the cheap $30 Mani/Pedi nail place to splurge a little on me.

At Smile, I didn't buy anything too interesting. Did buy this Martha Stewart book, Good Things from Tag Sales and Flea Markets in hardcover for $1

I am looking foward to a big couponing extravaganza later this week (yes, I know it's weird to get excited about grocery shopping). Remember how I said one of the local grocery stores is going to triple coupons this week up to .50? Well it gets their ad today I see that they are still doing the triple coupons BUT added that coupons with a face value of .51 - $1.00 will be doubled. I got a zillion coupons for $1 off stuff. Well not a zillion, but a lot.


  1. I'm so glad you posted about Shopper's Food Warehouse and their new coupon tripling and doubling! I'm so excited!! I went last week and did the coupon tripling which was good (several items became free, like wax paper, mustard, sour cream, etc) but now that they'll double $1.00 off coupons, there ought to be even more items for free! I can't wait to go tomorrow night. Good luck to you, too.

  2. I just bought the exact same Martha Stewart book last week at my local thrift - but I only paid 50 cents. :-) I haven't looked through it yet. Enjoy your shopping. Schools in these parts don't start until after Labor Day.

