Saturday, June 21, 2008

Garage Sale Yardsale Junk Loving Rides

Here's a couple of pics of garage sale, junk loving vehicles that I've come across within the past couple of months.

The red jeep I saw at a church yardsale - I asked the owner permission to take a pic. And the second one was at Smile. Which coincidentally shares the parking lot of the church where I saw the jeep (but it was definitely on different days). I love the way they made sure their beloved "This vehicle stops at all garage sales" bumpersticker wasn't painted over during re-painting. Also love the lock - of course you got to lock your vehicle. You don't want someone stealing your goodies.


  1. I like the vehicles but they look like gas guzzlers. I wouldn't buy them for a dollar. You have a nice site Chris. I found it while doing research on garage sales for my new site.

  2. Oh, I for sure would get that Suburban for dollar. I could park it in the backyard and use it for storage! :)
