Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Go Green Live Rich by David Bach

So the other day I am reading my email and see that someone at Random House emailed me to let me know that financial guy David Bach has mentioned yardsalequeen.com in his upcoming book, Go Green Live Rich

It was a total surprise, the purpose of the email was to get my mailing info to send me a free copy of the book. Will post when I get it to give more details about the contents. Majority of the time I know about when the website is going to be mentioned somewhere. I've seen the guy before on Oprah. And now he knows about me (since I am sure he spent hours reading this exciting blog and finding out all about me). And maybe he'll tell Oprah about me and she'll want to meet me and we will be best friends forever. Hey, it could happen. I just realize now that makes me just two degrees separation from Oprah!

Crap. I just remembered that I forgot to look at the All You magazine when I was at Walmart today. I was interviewed for an upcoming article - the article is supposed to be in the May issue, but when I was in NY, I saw the May issue and there was no yardsale articles in it. So I am wondering if the April issue is still on the racks at my local Walmart. And I forgot to look.

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