Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Belated Valentine's Day to me from me

I got this in the mail yesterday. Clinique had a online freebie a few weeks ago for a free sample of Happy perfume (the promo was over quickly due to a big response). You could send a sample to anyone (limit of 5 samples) and could write whatever you wanted on the card. So of course I sent one to myself. I did a simple "Chris Happy Valentines Day YSQ (yardsalequeen). I think I also sent one to my sister and my mom. Came in a nice box (which I will reuse for ebay stuff).


  1. i gave myself a belated Valentine's gift from Walgreens today. A Whitman's 12-piece sampler for $1.25:)

  2. Got my Happy sample, too! my only V-day gift, so I am going to enjoy it!!
