Thursday, November 29, 2007

Buying Kid's School Pictures - such a rip-off

I didn't buy my son's school pictures this year. Gasp. I just didn't like them that much, plus the cost was ridiculous for what you got. Instead, last night I took my son to Target - with my $7.99 coupon in hand, and bought their package of photos, using a plain background for the photos. Plus I got to pick out the photo I liked the best. The photographer was great and we were done in about 5 minutes. It took longer to fill out the registration form and to pay than it did to take the photos.

And I don't know when this all started, but schools around here now take photos at least 3 times a year. They do the fall traditional pictures in September, then in November they do it again - if you want - for a package they call the "Grandparent's Package", then in the spring they do one with a fancy background.


  1. I'm a lurker on your forum and this blog but enjoy both. (well I do post on the forums occasionally.) -- Anyway... I'm a school photographer (and I take no offense from your post.) but I wondered how many people actually know that the photos taken at school are a fund-raiser for the school. Order forms usually say this but rarely do people read the whole form and it is usually in small print.
    I'm not saying this is good or bad... I'm just wondering how many people realize this. (and often it's a rather large amount that goes to the school)... this isn't a debate about whether the school should get money for pic day or not... just... do people know that pics are a fundraiser?

  2. I don't mind the schools making money on the school pics, but they should at least make the portrait packs reasonable. No one wants 24 itty bitty pics - they want decent sized wallet pics. And who wants black & white 5 x 7's? If you want color 5 x 7's then you have to buy the more expensive package etc etc.

    If my son's school gets money from the pics, they do a good job at not advertising what they money is being put towards.

  3. Sounds like your school mite use LT (our competitor). Our packages start at like 8. and you can buy a CD for 10. and print your own. But we are in a small rural area.
    If you are in any kind of even midly remotely populated area you betcha your school is making quite a bit of money. And yeh, they usually aren't real vocal about what it's being used for. I just think if your purchases are going to be used to raise funds for something, well, you should know about it.
    ... just sayin'.

  4. I HATE buying the school pics. So, I do my children's pics myself. Then I order what I want and usually wait for a deal from shutterfly or costco photos.
